Q&A with Alessandro Squarzi

We asked Italian style icon Alessandro Squarzi a few questions on life, style, and the places he likes to spend time in

At Gentleman’s Journal, we have a keen eye for identifying the figures at the forefront of their respective industries. That’s why we’ve embarked on a series of insightful conversations with industry leaders, delving deeper into their interests and perspectives. Here, we sit down to discover what makes fashion entrepreneur and influencer Alessandro Squarzi tick...

The best restaurant in the world is…

My home – for the simple reason that I have a very hectic life and I eat out more often than not, so in the first instance I would say my home. If I have to think of a restaurant I’d say Casa Tua, in Cesenatico.

Your favorite hotel….

Il Pellicano, Porto Ercole.

The city destination you never get tired of is…

Tokyo. First of all, with Fortela I work a lot with Japan for the production activity. I love their philosophy, food and culture.

The drink order that never disappoints is…

An Americano.

Your perfect holiday….

On a sailing boat, with my best friends. The best moment is in the evening, in harbour listening to the sound of the sea, chatting and sharing memorable moments with the people you love.

Tokyo, Japan

The men's clothing brand you are evaluating…

It is clear that I am very passionate about vintage garments, so it is difficult for me to find something new that fascinates me. At the moment I like how Loro Piana is changing, but I’d have to say that if I had to buy something new, I’d buy Fortela.

The best gift you will ever receive….

My daughter Allegra. After she was born my wife gifted me the watch I love the most, Patek 3970.

The last thing you bought and loved…..

My horse – I used to horse ride when I was a child, then gave up for several years due to my job. During COVID I rediscovered this passion, and I advise everyone to try and give oneself a gift like this.

The book everyone should read before they die is...

Shantaram. I think it is one of the most beautiful book I’ve ever read. It includes everything: human value, friendship, the value of one’s word; it really reflects my way of thinking and living life.

Il Pelicano

The best advice you've been given…

In life it is better to have a little of a lot, than a lot of nothing.

The person in your career that you admire the most…

I must say that I was born with the Ralph Lauren myth, and even if today the product is not what it used to be, what he did remains.

The quote you live by…..

Karma exists, so I always try to do things in the best way without disrespecting anyone

The advice you would give to someone starting out in your profession…

The advice I would give is the one that was given to me, that is “Have you discovered your talents? Now put them into action”. The key is to always follow your dreams, set your goals and aim to the stars, so you will reach your goals

Your greatest luxury…

To have some time to dedicate to myself and to my loved ones. Nowadays, we are all so busy and distracted from everything around us, that we never value our spare time. While the real richness is to have health. If you have both, you are a very lucky person.

Want more Q&As? We chat to Thomas Straker...

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